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The Earth Orchestra

On 4 December 2020 the world will be united as for the first time in recording history, a song called ‘Together is Beautiful’ by well-known composer George Fenton, followed by a film, will be released featuring musicians from every single country in the world. Released by Mercury Studios and Universal Music respectively, the film entitled The Earth Orchestra and song ‘Together Is Beautiful’ bring together 197 musicians from the world’s 197 countries on a track written to highlight the power that music has on unifying people from all cultures – transcending physical, cultural and political barriers.

Sofia is playing saxophone and she is representing Greece!


Yiasena is a quintet co-led by Ozenç Duzenli and Sofia Roubati, who brings together sounds from Turkey, Greece, Azerbaijan, Armenia and other countries that are musically and culturally related.

The two co-leaders come from different backgrounds,Sofia has studied classical, jazz, byzantine and Greek traditional music.Whereas Ozenç has roots in blues, jazz and Turkish traditional music.

They take all these influences and experiences, combine them and present the results through the idiom of jazz and creative improvised music. This leads to new compositions and arrangements of a variety of traditional tunes.

Sofia Roubati - Alto Saxophone

Alex Dmochowski - Tenor Saxophone

Özenç Duzenli - Guitar

Jonny Wickham - Bass

Jonny Pyke - Drums